Romans Twelve-Two

Romans Twelve-Two
Be not conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tell me, I'm Forgiven and Loved

When I got saved in July of 2009, I came to God in broken pieces. I felt used, discarded, rejected and alone. I didn't understand how a God so infinitely perfect and good could love someone like me. Although, I believed I was saved through Christ alone and his finished work on the cross. I still struggled daily trying to "prove" to God that I was worthy of His love.

After getting hurt a million times, I put God in the same category as everyone else. He loved me based on conditions. If I acted good, he would love me. If I behaved badly then he would turn his back on me.

As I began to learn more and more of His word and listen to sermons. I realized how beautiful the term grace is. Grace: undeserved favor. I was forgiven! No matter how filthy my past was. No matter how wicked of a person I was. I am FORGIVEN and not only am I forgiven but I AM LOVED!

I grew up hearing the generic quote: God Loves You! But, not until I heard the gospel message and came to know Christ personally did I feel free.

I am forgiven and loved.

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